The annual meeting of the membership will be held on Sunday, June 9, 2024 at 12:00 Noon.The meeting will be held at the home of Rashu Seth, 980 Patricia Court, Orange and via Zoom. The meeting will attempt to start promptly at noon, so please come early if you will be attending in person.
The purpose of the annual meeting of the membership is to report on the events and activities of the Club for the 2023-24 skating season and to provide an opportunity for members to meet with the board and exchange ideas. We encourage members to attend, we want to hear from you! Elections to the Board are held in odd numbered years, so this is an off-year meeting with no election. Directors are selected by ballot of Club voting members present at the meeting. New board members are typically invited to serve on the Board through a nominating committee at that time.
An informal Pot Luck lunch will be served at 1:00PM. Members are encouraged and welcome to participate, but please no beef or pork. Children are welcome.Following the lunch, the Board will meet at 2:00PM for their first organization meeting of the new skating season.We hope you can make this friendly annual meeting, either in person or via Zoom. We have much to celebrate! The Zoom link and a meeting reminder will be sent just prior to June 9.Yours,Nancy Brittingham
Blue Edge Figure Skating Club of Connecticut, Inc.