SkateSafe at Blue Edge FSC of CT
As a U.S. Figure Skating club, Blue Edge FSC of CT strives to provide a safe environment for its members that is free of misconduct and harassment. The Club will not tolerate or condone any form of harassment or misconduct of any persons participating in any of our programs or any event conducted under U.S. Figure Skating.
Certain members and volunteers of Blue Edge FSC of CT must complete various compliance requirements as outlined in the U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook and the U.S. Figure Skating SkateSafe Handbook.
Questions regarding U.S. Figure Skating’s SkateSafe Program can be directed to skatesafe@usfigureskating.org.
Locker Room Policy
Locker rooms are Co-Ed.
If changing of attire is required, then skaters may change in a restroom within the facility to allow for privacy.
Parents/guardians may accompany their child/children in the locker rooms.
Procedures for supervising and monitoring locker rooms and changing areas:
The ice monitor checks the locker rooms before and in the middle of the sessions.
All Board members who are present during these sessions monitor the locker rooms whenever they pass by them.
The use of any type of recording device (including but not limited to cameras, video cameras, and mobile phones) is strictly prohibited.
Rules and Safety
Safety and courtesy are of utmost importance. Each skater must respect the right of others to make effective use of their ice time.
General Rules
Only skaters who are registered in or have paid a guest fee for a session may skate during that session. Guesting is not allowed in Learn To Skate sessions.
Skaters must check in with the Session Chair when entering the ice.
Skaters may not enter the ice until their session time, and they must leave the ice promptly at the end.
The Club is not responsible for personal property.
The session chair has the responsibility and authority to enforce all rules and may ask a skater to leave the ice or withdraw from the session.
Etiquette and Safety
Parents or guardians of children under age 8 must remain inside the rink while their children are skating, and those between ages 8 and 12 must be left in the care of a responsible adult. They should stay in a location known to the skater and visible to the child's coach.
Skaters must stay with their group instructor during lessons.
Helmets are required for all Snowplow, Basic 1, Basic 2 and Adult 1 skaters.
Eating, drinking and gum chewing on the ice is strongly discouraged.
Coaches must teach and skaters must learn how to avoid standing in the way of others. If you have been standing still, please look at the traffic before you move!
Skating and instruction must be in keeping with the number of people on the ice. Double jumps are not appropriate in sessions with a large number of very young skaters.
Coaches should take turns playing music on the rink's system. Other music systems should not be brought onto the ice.
A skater who is wearing one of the colorful vests has the right of way while their program music is being played.
Jumpers who create pits in the ice must fill them with "snow" before the ice is resurfaced.
A skater must always look at nearby traffic before starting to skate.
This is a partial list of rules. Some safety rules are simple common sense. Ultimately, personal safety is the responsibility of each skater and/or skating parent.
Guest Policy
Only subscribers may skate at the Basic Skills sessions. Space permitting, Practice Ice sessions are open to qualified skaters who meet these conditions:
Guests must be USFSA members.
The skating level of the guest must be appropriate for the session.
Children and adults in the lower levels of the Blue Edge FSC of CT Basic Skills program may have a lesson during a practice session, however they must be accompanied by a coach at all times.
In all cases, the session chair may decide that the skater's level or behavior is not appropriate.
Coaches must be pre-approved by Blue Edge FSC of CT. A guest may bring an approved guest coach only with the approval of the session chair. Learn more about Guest Coach Policies. Such approval is normally granted only during the week before the skater is to take a test at a Blue Edge FSC of CT test session.
Emergency Information and Procedures
In the event of an injury or illness experienced by a skater, a Club designated adult shall administer appropriate first aid. If the skater is a minor, the parent or emergency contact will be contacted. In the event of a medical emergency, a Club designated adult shall call 911 and contact the parent or emergency contact. If the parent or emergency contact cannot be reached prior to the arrival of the emergency medical providers, the Club shall proceed to accompany the skater to the nearest hospital emergency room, while continuing to reach the parent or emergency contact. The skater, parent or guardian shall assume financial responsibility for any and all expenses that occur during an emergency.
Refund and Make-up Policy
Membership Fees for U.S. Figure Skating or Learn-to-Skate USA and Blue Edge FSC of CT are not refundable. Session fees are refundable in full if the request is received before the first week of the session.
Once a session has begun, session fees will be credited or refunded only when:
The participant is injured or seriously ill and participation has been restricted by a physician or by Covid isolation requirements.
The participant is moving out of town or has experienced some other life change that makes it impossible to attend.
Requests for refunds should be addressed in writing to the Treasurer or Membership Chair, along with the reason for the request. The amount credited or refunded, is based on the published weekly rate multiplied by the number of weeks that will be missed. For Practice Ice reservations or Punch Cards, sessions may be re-scheduled or the amount refunded will be equal to the value of sessions missed.
Punch card credits remaining at the end of the skating year may be used as credits toward contract ice sessions in the upcoming year. They will be refunded only in the case of #1 or #2 above.
Denials of refund requests may be appealed to the Board of Directors.
When the University or the Club cancels a session due to weather, scheduling conflict, or any other reason, every effort will be made to provide a make-up time, but each occurrence will be handled on a case-by-case basis and those affected will be notified accordingly.
Make-up Policy
There are no make-ups for Learn-to-Skate lessons missed.
Reserved Practice Ice sessions must be rescheduled online or cancelled by emailing skate@blueedgefsc.org BEFORE the session begins; the payment is forfeited if notification is received after the session has begun.